Archive for Gnolls

Dogs of War

Posted in Miniatures with tags , , , on February 17, 2019 by Sean


I’ve returned to working on the army for Chaos Wars for a client. These Gnolls are allied to the Gobin units I finished already, filling the role of skirmishers for the blocks of foot troops.

Like the Goblins, the Gnolls wear primarily earth tones, with dirty armor and weapons. The Gnolls’ skin had a variety of tones as well, in degrees of dull tan. Overall, the Gnolls give an impression of grungy, feral savagery, separate from even the general grotiness of the Goblins.

These Gnolls are from Frostgrave. They have a nice assortment of weapons. The Gnolls were painted in small groups based on their weapons. The first pic is of the 2 leader-types, armed with a sword and dagger. To further mark them out from the throng of the Gnolls they wear blood red tatters.

The other Gnolls in the pic are some of the standard Gnolls, carrying assorted weapons and shields. The other pics are a quartet of greatswords and another quartet of archers. Since they all have hunched positions, I added other angles of the models.