Archive for Zombicide

Dragon Con Paint & Take 2014

Posted in Miniatures with tags , , , on September 2, 2014 by Sean


This last weekend was Dragon Con, the big sci-fi/fantasy/media convention in Atlanta. I was there as a volunteer, acting as part of the Paint & Take, a booth for the con-goers to get a free minie to paint and take home. My fellow volunteers and I gave tips, showed demonstrations of miniature painting, and set everyone up to paint. Most of the people we got were first time painters, or hadn’t painted in years. Everyone had fun, and we hope we sparked a love of miniature painting in the participants.

These two mugs were some of the miniatures I worked on over the course of the con. They were demo pieces used to illustrate some techniques; we had a video feed of our hands painting for people to watch.

The first is a Bull Snapper, a Gatormen Warbeast from Hordes. He is part of the same army I’ve been working on for a client (the Gatormen Posse featured in previous posts). I went for a very naturalistic color scheme, with dull green-brown as the base, with various washes to achieve a warm brown in the recesses, a mustardy yellow belly, and highlights to get greyed yellow scales, especially on the dorsal sail. I made the interior of his mouth purple to contrast with the yellow of his scales.

The second is a Fatty Zombie from Zombicide. Zombies from the game were some of the choices for participants, so I figured I’d do one too to help people along and to better explain any questions they’d run into. He’s mostly a dirty ‘dead’ color scheme, the only real color coming from his mouth and the respirator hanging around his neck.  The shirt got several washes to show how dirty it was, probably even before the guy was a zombie.