Archive for Low Countries

Field of Glory: Wars of the Roses battle

Posted in Miniatures with tags , , , , , , , , , , on June 15, 2018 by Sean

Today I got to have a ‘proud papa’ moment. The two Wars of the Roses English armies I finished recently faced off for the first time in a real battle.

I served as the ref to help the players get the rules down, plus gave tactical advice to both sides to best use their units.

The Yorkists (on the right in the first pic) met the Lancastrians (on the left). Edward IV faced off against the Duke of Somerset in some good fighting.

I set up the terrain in the interest of saving time, with a couple forests (green blobs), a small gentle hill (the brown blob), an open field (dark brown), and an enclosed field (tan). These were done in an impartial ‘typical’ set-up. The Yorkists had the initiative.

The game was a learning game. This resulted in a few bad placements and risky moves, but they seemed to have fun. The Yorkists decided to advance with everything, trying to bridge the gap as soon as they could. The Lancastrians were content to wait for them; forward movement was to the top of the hill and the edge of the forest on their side of the table. Once on the hill the Archers placed their stakes- no one was going to dislodge them.

As the Yorkists got into range, fire and arrows darkened the sky. Yorkist Pike came under several turns of arrow fire from the Archers on the hill, losing half their bases from murderous fire over 3 turns (at effective range the Archers were throwing 9 dice). On the other flank, arrow and crossbow crossfire took out a Knight as they closed with their Lancastrian counterparts. In the Knights melee, the Yorkists came out on top, until the Archers took a cue from Agincourt and charged out of the woods into their flank.

In the center, things got serious. A poor placement meant the center Yorkist Archers got charged from 2 Footmen groups. Both sides’ generals joined the fray. The Archers lost the impact phase but held on, and avoided losing any bases. In subsequent combats the Archers actually rolled out of danger, beating both Footmen units, disordering one and fragmenting the other! On right flank the intervention of the Archers tipped the fight to Lancaster, breaking the Yorkist Knights, who ran off.

After that we ran out of time. Technically a Lancastrian sort-of win, with 1 broken enemy BG. The Lancastrian center was in the potential of collapsing, and the left flank still had plenty of fighting to do, so hard to say how it would have ended if we had more time. The players enjoyed the game, and recognized mistakes they made in placement. Looking forward to next time.

Wars of the Roses: House of York

Posted in Miniatures with tags , , , , , , , , on June 1, 2018 by Sean


The army of the House of York is complete. This marks the end of both of the Wars of the Roses armies for Field of Glory.

These three pics are the army commanders. First is Edward IV, king of England (Long Live the King!). This is Edward at the time of the Battle of Tewkesbury (1471), where the Yorkists crushed the Lancastrian forces. It was this battle that snuffed the Prince of Wales and set up Edward as king unopposed until his death in 1483. Here Edward wears his golden plate armor, astride an armored steed. Alongside him is his banner bearer and herald.

Next is Richard, Duke of Gloucester, brother to Edward and future Richard III. At Tewkesbury he served under his brother. I gave him some retainers on foot to distinguish his stand from Edward’s.

Last is Lord William Hastings, loyal supporter to Edward. He was a powerful and rich man, which did little to save him from Richard’s axe in 1483. Poor Hastings. Here he is from better days, alive and leading part of Edward’s army. Like for the Lancastrian army, I had the stand of the third in command with only 2 models.

The banners for the commanders are way too big really, since in reality such flags would drag the ground. However, I wanted the commanders to be easily spotted on the table.

These battlegroups are the mounted Men-at-Arms contingent of the army. First up are the general retainers, sergeants, and knights of the various lords. I painted them just like the knights for the Lancastrians; considering the dubious loyalties of the Wars of the Roses, some might have fought on both sides. The surplus of Freezywater Flags allowed the unit to carry 2 banners.

Second are the Royal Guard, the elite retainers of the king. The small unit of only 2 stands got 2 banners for each stand- Edward, Edward the king, the flag of England, and St. George. The flag with the cross was sculpted, otherwise the rest are Freezywater. Another way to make the unit stand out was a blue wash and pure silver highlights for their armor and horse harnesses.

Here are some pics of the whole army arranged for presentation.

The list for the army is:

Commander-in-Chief: Edward IV

Sub-commander: Richard, Duke of Gloucester

Sub-commander: Lord Hastings

2 Archer groups x8 (in liveries of Hastings and Buckingham, and Richard and Neville)

Dismounted Footmen/Men-at-Arms x6 (in liveries of Edward, Clarence, and Buckingham)

Mounted Men-at-Arms x4

Royal Guard Men-at-Arms x2

Mercenary Pike x8

Mercenary Handgunners x4

Mercenary Handgunners x4